Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Why, hi everybody! I hope you've a had some very merry holidays!
This is my first blog post for 2013, so I want to make it REAL important. I'm going to write down my new years resolutions.
Okay, here it goes.
  1. To eat potato chips quietly (in which I've never done).
  2. Not to get into "too much drama".
  3. To not be shy (in other words, dance in random flash mobs).
  4. Face my fears (okay, maybe I'll screw this one up because of my severe phobia of clowns. I'm never going to the circus).
  5. To make my bed (I get caught up in the Wii).
  6. Try new foods (I want to try "Haggis." It sounds magical!)
  7. To learn the lyrics to "On Wisconsin" ( I know, I'm ashamed. I'm a Wisconsinite!)
  8. To learn how to do a back walkover (you have to kick your legs over after you do a backbend. It's hard!)
  9. To help others more often.
  10. To get outside more often (it might be hard because of the Wii we got).
  11. To brush my hair every night (my hair gets tangly, with a capital T!)
  12. Get more exercise (I'm spending more time on electronics. Hmm... should I be on this computer?)
  13. Get better at piano (I'm not doing so well...)
  14. To get all my facts right in math (I want to get them memorized...      FAST!)
  15. Keeping in touch with family ( I have some emails to reply to!)
Well, those were my new years resolutions!
Happy new year!


1 comment:

  1. Misa you are such an amazing girl and I know you will be able to accomplish all of these resolutions! I had so much fun reading your resolutions, I sent them to Connor and he says he will follow you! Love you!
