In a perfect world, a girl lies on her queen-sized bed. She rings a tiny bell, for her servants to come. When they do, she asks for a chocolate croissant. They bring it to her on a silver platter. In a perfect world, a boy is the captain of a wrestling team. He beats anyone who dare try. Everyone loves him. In a perfect world, You are the ruler and I am your servant. You ask for special suits and fancy dresses, and I bring them to you. In a perfect world, Cinderella's step-sisters obey her. Snow-White abandons the queen. Pinocchio becomes a real boy right away. But this is not my perfect world. In my perfect world, I live in my house. I do the things I already do. I go to school at Randall Elementary. I don't dream of a better place, or want my own world. Because I already live in my perfect world.
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